End of February Studio Days
Studio days that turn into nights, the scent of palo santo and soft pastel mark making.
Studio Life Lately
Studio life lately — cool tropical days, open doors, canyon colors and late afternoons painting with friends. February is quite lovely so far
My Studio So Far…
My studio so far … I have always believed in creating a beautiful space around you, one filled with found objects that inspire you to want to create amongst them…
End of Summer Studio Days
The last days of summer were spent back in the studio after 3 months on the road. This new collection is inspired by the moody blues and greens of the central California coast.
The Summer Tropics Collection at Home Look book
At home look book for the Summer 2021 Summer Tropics Collection. Valeries first collection of large abstract canvases.
The Summer Tropics Collection: In the Studio
In the greenhouse studio painting the Summer Tropics Collection. A look into what inspired the collection and how it was pieced together.
Late September in the Studio
Late September in the green house studio is humid but the faint winds of fall begin to sweep through. The pallet changes from bright summer sunshine to muted oranges and reds — and the terracotta house shop is just about to open.
Summer in the Tropics Collection Look Book
Lookbook featuring abstract works painted in the late summer, along the southern Florida coast. These works are for a print collection.