Grilled Leeks & Okra with Herb Vinaigrette and Gorgonzola



3 Large Leeks cut length wise and washed

1 12 oz package of fresh Okra

2 tbsp Olive Oil

½ cup Crumbled Gorgonzola

S+P to Taste

For the Vinaigrette

4 sprigs each of Thyme, Parsley, Cilantro, and Dill

2 Cloves of Garlic

½ Sweet Onion

1 tbsp Dijon Mustard

½ cup Prosecco White Wine Vinegar

½ cup Olive Oil

1 tbsp Water

1 tbsp Honey

S & P to taste

Grilled Leeks & Okra with Herb Vinaigrette and Gorgonzola  | Terracotta House © 2020


Turn on grill and heat to 400 F.  Cut Leeks length wise and wash any dirt that could be trapped in the layers and pat dry. In a small bowl toss fresh okra with 1 -2 tbsp of olive oil and salt + pepper. 

In a blender combine all ingredients for the vinaigrette except for the oil.  Turn blender on medium speed and slowly add the oil until you have a creamy consistency.  Set aside.

To grill the leeks place the inside of cut leeks on the grill and let them charr for a good 5 minutes. While the leeks are charring, place okra on grill, turning frequently until they begin to brown and remove immediately ( 2 -3 mins). Okra should still be somewhat firm, they will quickly over cook so be fast. Set aside. Then check to see if the leeks need to be turned or moved to get more color.  Grill the leeks until they are well charred and softened, (about 5 mins) remove.

Place grilled leeks + Okra on a large platter and drizzle with herb vinaigrette and add crumbled Gorgonzola. 

* Substitutions

* Not a fan of okra? This recipe would also work well with asparagus.

Grilled Leeks & Okra with Herb Vinaigrette and Gorgonzola  | Terracotta House © 2020

Feature above our Handmade Marbled Tan Vase

Grilled Leeks & Okra with Herb Vinaigrette and Gorgonzola  | Terracotta House © 2020
Grilled Leeks & Okra with Herb Vinaigrette and Gorgonzola  | Terracotta House © 2020
Grilled Leeks & Okra with Herb Vinaigrette and Gorgonzola  | Terracotta House © 2020
Grilled Leeks & Okra with Herb Vinaigrette and Gorgonzola  | Terracotta House © 2020

Recipe by Nicole Simbürger

Photography + Styling by Valerie Noell

Ceramics by Whiskey + Clay


Savory Oats w/ Butternut Squash, Baby Kale, and Goats Cheese 


Late September in the Studio